Family Reading Time: No Age Limit Needed
11:58 PM | Author: The Family Fun Guy
Do you remember how exciting it was when you were a child yearning for the folks to read you a bedtime story? Let me guess when you got older this awesome activity ceased?

First off, reading together as a family is most definitely not an original idea, but has your family actually tried it? The idea first popped into my head a few months ago while I was reading a book that I couldn't quite explain to my roommate. I decided that I'd just read a few pages out loud just to share how awesome of a book it was and found it quite enjoyable.

Imagine each day maybe spending 30 minutes before bedtime reading a book together as a family. You might have one reader for the whole book you choose, or it might be even more fun if you rotate whose reading from day to day. I am not a scientist, but I bet it will be a good memory excercise to have to recall the bits and pieces from each days read. Beyond that it is probably good for comprehension, creativity, expanding your vocabulary, speaking skills, and etc.

So there is the idea for today. Give it a try with your family and see if it is worth becoming a tradition for many years to come.
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On December 4, 2008 at 11:35 AM , Kami said...

Brad and I love to read together. We just finished Ananthem by Neil Stephensen. We already read to LB too.

LB or Little Butterfly is my blog name for our daughter.

On December 4, 2008 at 3:20 PM , Greg Piper said...

I showed your new blog to an SPU friend, who said "my guess is he's using this to attract babes."

On December 4, 2008 at 4:21 PM , Hai said...

What a heartfelt blog. I think as adults, we sometimes forget the joys of childhood. It's nice to be reminded. My husband recently started reading to our 2 year old son and it is just precious to see the excitement on his face when he gets to spend quality, fun time with his parents.